Lora (Rumänien)
Lora (Rumänien) |
Alter |
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22-25 Jahre |
Sprache(n) |
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Deutsch (gut), Englisch (gut) |
Haarfarbe |
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Schwarz |
Haarlänge |
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Mittellang |
Körpergröße |
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1,61 m - 1,65 m |
Statur |
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Normal |
Tattoo/Tätowierung |
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Unbekannt |
Körperteil |
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Piercing |
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Unbekannt |
Körperteil |
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Brüste |
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C-Cup |
Silikon |
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Nein |
Augenfarbe |
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Unbekannt |
Wiederholungsgefahr |
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Preis |
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Dauer |
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Service |
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Sex mit Kondom (GVM), Blasen ohne Kondom, Blasen mit Kondom, Küssen, PornSexExperience (PSE) |
Zusatzinfo |
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Pay attention : there is Lora, and Laura in the same club, she spelled her name as L-O-R-A.
I've met Lora on 8 December, in PHG.
This brown hair, Romanian charming girl is so attractive : I crossed her in the bar, she was topless (probably the only one in the club), we can understand why... with her natural cup-C natural breast.
The talking at the bar was a bit too short, she immediately went into room (and not in sofa to talk more), the session has started.
While the blowjob, the used her saliva on my dick, while I compliment her for a beautiful breast : she added she avoid the wear bra's, to keep the breast's muscles strong (sic) !
While an excellent amazon, I had an excellent view, while the missionary : I liked the way she cried my name and the way she positioned her breast between her arms, just in front of me ! Delicious feeling !
She also told me about possibility to stay 45min in stead of 30 but I was finishing, so...
Of course, she has « pro » behaviour, no kiss, etc. ...but the feeling was very nice.
While she's in the main hall, she doesn't stay long to be joined by an other man, she knows her success !
I've met Lora for the second time, on 8 June.
She still walks topless in club, probably to attract customers, and it did make the same effect to me.
I admit this breast is gorgeous, she probably knows that, but nevermind, we go to a room (50€/30min.).
Despite she supplied a very basic services (she doesn't make 69, neither cunni, explaining to be « cautious », ...), her blowjob was so good, remembering her saliva falling down on my dick ! She seems mastering her technique !
Several positions and I noticed she kept her high heels during the act. Ok, visually, it's quite exciting indeed.
She has a small « pro » touch, but considering those aspects, we can appreciate and enjoy that moment. I did it !
Geändert von Pitouille (28.06.2017 um 00:05 Uhr)
Grund: Price info
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