Sonia (Rumänien)
Sonia (Rumänien) |
Alter |
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22 Jahre |
Sprache(n) |
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Englisch (gut) |
Haarfarbe |
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Dunkelblond |
Haarlänge |
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Schulterlang (Glatt) |
Körpergröße |
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1,61 m - 1,65 m |
Statur |
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Normal |
Tattoo/Tätowierung |
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Unbekannt |
Körperteil |
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Piercing |
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Nein |
Körperteil |
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Brüste |
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B-Cup |
Silikon |
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Nein |
Augenfarbe |
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Blau |
Wiederholungsgefahr |
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Preis |
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60 Euro |
Dauer |
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40 Minuten |
Service |
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Sex mit Kondom (GVM), Blasen ohne Kondom, Zungenküsse, Küssen, GirlFriendExperience (GFE), AfterSexTalk (AST), PreSalesTalk (PST) |
Zusatzinfo |
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Früher arbeitet Sie im Vulkanstrasse in Duisburg. |
This 22 y.o romanian girl is in Mondial for one month. Before she worked in the RLD Vulkanstrasse of Duisburg which is usually is red alarm for any client careful to the quality of service but i had good feeling while discussing with her so i gave her her chance.
She is 1m60, blond with blue eyes.
Her service is very good and complete. She is very active and uses her skills with energy and involvement in the room. She kisses frankly and deeply, on a natural way and not like a robot. She shows complicity during the sex (winking regularly so with eye contact, not so often that it happens) and the hugs are well done. She does everything naturally and with talent, we don't feel that she works, her blowjob has good depth and rythm. She moves well, she makes sex very well and is something she seems to enjoy much, her participation is perfect and also made foreplays by herself on the bed which are very sensual, moving on erotic way in amazone position staring at me playing with my cock, so exciting! Her technic is upper average and make everything to satisfy you. More PSE than GFE, but kind of mix. Fingering is forbidden but i can understand, for me it's not important, what matters is her behaviour and involvement and nothing can be reproached to her about these aspects.
Repetition is close to 100%.
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