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  1. #1
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    Standard Hanna (Bulgarien)

    Hanna (Bulgarien)
    Alter : 22-25 Jahre Sprache(n) : Deutsch (gut), Englisch (gut)
    Haarfarbe : Blond Haarlänge : Mittellang
    Körpergröße : 1,61 m - 1,65 m Statur : Schlank
    Tattoo/Tätowierung : Unbekannt Körperteil :
    Piercing : Unbekannt Körperteil :
    Brüste : B-Cup Silikon : Nein
    Augenfarbe : Unbekannt Wiederholungsgefahr :
    Preis : Dauer :
    Service : Sex mit Kondom (GVM), Blasen ohne Kondom, Zungenküsse, Küssen
    Zusatzinfo :

  2. #2
    Registriert seit


    Being in Samya on 14 August, I've met Hanna (Bulgarian blond & pretty girl).
    First meeting was at the bar, we spoke together, after a few words and drinking my cola, she replied "I notice you're looking for other girls, I let you, no problem" (and sat on her sofa, again). Euuh ?

    A few minutes later, I joined her (again) in her sofa, maybe she didn't understand I wanted to continue with her. Btw, we continue to speak, and I simply admire her pretty face, blond hair girl (I've heard she lost a lot of kilos, she's now slim format). Nice feeling.
    Once in room, I was a bit disapointed by her breast (Cup-B, and "gravity"). Sweet kiss (later FK) and hugs were supplied. She fixed eyes during the (nice) blowjob, and she put a pillow under her back before several position'sex, while she screams a bit...

    After sex, we talked about ... sex (still) without taboo, nice girl at the moment, and very nice felling.
    I asked her to check the time, she said "OK, 30min is over" and we simply left the room.

    BUT.... after 10minutes, I was almost in the shower, when she appeared and said "sorry baby, we exceeded the 30min. with 10 more minutes" (which is impossible), bad surprise, I didn't want to argue and I gave her 20 extra €. NOT HONNEST and never more with her !




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