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  1. #1
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    Standard Nora (Rumänien) VM

    Nora (Rumänien)
    Alter : 26-29 Jahre Sprache(n) : Deutsch (mäßig), Englisch (mäßig)
    Haarfarbe : Braun Haarlänge : Mittellang (Glatt)
    Körpergröße : 1,66 m - 1,70 m Statur : Normal+
    Tattoo/Tätowierung : Unbekannt Körperteil :
    Piercing : Nein Körperteil :
    Brüste : C-Cup Silikon : Nein
    Augenfarbe : Braun Wiederholungsgefahr :
    Preis : 50 Euro Dauer : 30 Minuten
    Service : Sex mit Kondom (GVM), Blasen ohne Kondom, Zungenküsse
    Zusatzinfo : Comes from Six Sens, new in VM.

  2. #2
    Registriert seit


    Nora is a quite attractive girl with cute face and perfect teeth. Her lips are delicious. A bit chubby, big ass. Falling breasts. Her body is not her strength. Her face yes.

    She kisses well and very naturally but surrounded by a NOT playful and pro attitude, as an advantage she just applies as sex worker. The foreplays were very empty as instead of acting she has a too « wait and see » behaviour despite she showed interesting things in the kino. She has a potential but never fills her service with it once inside the room.

    She sucks well with good variety but – sadly - much better in the kino than in the room. Need to convince ! then everything is always different and weaker as the banknote is in the pocket already. But it remains pleasant and correct, her blowjob technic is not uninteresting. As many girls she forgets the balls but unlike many girls her blowjob is not mechanical.

    Sex was low quality and unsatisfying as she does not participate almost, remains silent and never enters into the process, no game so that interaction couldn’t be reached. Consequently there was no fun, it was boring as she shows too much passivity in the positions, her gestures but also the behaviour which is also too professional. Furthermore she is not active in caressing, she is not playful at all and the illusion’s aspect is close to zero. Nora does not take any initiative.

    She has assets but does not use them and makes the minimum. Globally it was disappointing despite we feel she is not a numbskull like many girls are, but just lazy in the room.

    Service quality assessment:




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