Beiträge aus dem Melody-Thread abgetrennt
And your one visit to the room with Melody was in 2015 or 2014? I don´t really remember dear collegue Gwanfich...I recall that I introduced her and funny enough I kind of know what happened since I was there and so...Presales of around 20 minutes at least or even more in the sofa with lots of DFK, probably a small visit to the kino for more action before she took a key as well.. exactly 30 minutes in the room as she told me afterwards, exactly 40E...and ok, so far so good, the clubprice and she does not have any problems with that...We talked afterwards during dinner and you were more than happy. She obviously not so if she ignored you the upcoming visit...It´s her choice and very strange that you would come back for a 3 stars-girl especially a few days later anyhow, a little bit ironic even...More ironic is that like 1 year later (or even more, my memory is not so good) you keep writing here and anywhere else for that matter in fora the same exact comment about her, kind of like it happened yesterday...Maybe you have to rethink some things and try to understand the POV of women in the clubs too, maybe she doesn´t want to repeat the same procedure (more than 1 hour including AST) for 40E, some people would understand...If one expects the maximum return for the minimum invest, not always a successstory...I respect girls which respect themselves, it´s their good right to not want to invest time in "potential" clients, even more, I respect girls which ignore some clients if they have legitimate reasons from their POV...I do the same with girls I did not like
. The funny thing is the timing and the repeating sequel of an encounter with a girl such a long time ago...It seems kind of like you desperately want to harm a working girl for whom you went back especially..but now she´s crap and robotic and blablabla based on what? It sounds to me like a bunch of bollocks and so on..Certainly if the session was such a long time ago...
If I am not terribly mistaken, if so I apologise I can write the following objective remarks..Since years Meldoy has been working in clubs, 2 clubs to be correct on a regular basis...She has almost 0, zero bad reviews, most of her clients are more than happy and you were as well (why would you drive back a few days later if you were not happy about her service?)...For some reason she did not fall on her knees to please have session with you and somehow more than 1 year later you write this rubbish about a girl which is a pearl in the Clubscene since several years...It seems to me that it´s a sort of "revenge-act" because she simply has no interest in spending time with you...Obviously it´s not very pleasing...It´s not very polite and even a bit vulgar to change your initial "view" (I drive back especially for her because she was so good) to a sort of revenge-report months/years later...sort of laughable and showing the "true colours"..No surprise she doesn´t want to spend time with such clients, and that I can only respect and her judgement of people is not so bad obviously...A little bit sad that you just can´t move on and understand that girls have the right to refuse clients too...
The rest of the reviews here (and for that matter anywhere else if you ignore Your exact review) speak for themselves...People which don´t have a very good sessions with Melody should seek for the "reason" closeby...She performs on toplevel in every department, speaks fluently German, kisses like a maniac, FO topclass, always surprising and motivated...Some people are just ignorant and in this case even seeking for some sort of "bashing" since she dind´t pay enough attention or respect to someone which spent 40E...Oh my..Time to check the mirror Gwanfich...